European Technical Assessment

Thursday, March 5, 2020
First European Technical Assessment
for supporting brackets TRA-WIK®-ALU-RF / -RL

The new European Technical Assessment for TRA-WIK®-ALU-RF / -RL supporting brackets makes Dosteba the first company to receive approval for the European area. This means that thermally separated fixation compliant with regulations is now possible in all European countries.

Further European technical assessments are in preparation or already registered for the following products:

  • Universal fixation plates UMP®-ALU-TR
  • Supporting brackets TRA-WIK®-PU
  • Supporting brackets TRA-WIK®-ALU
  • Heavy-load corbel SLK®-ALU-TR / -TQ
  • Heavy-load corbel SLK®-ALU-TTR / -TTQ